
Превод на думата мисля на английски език

1. (разсъждавам) think (за of, about); reason; exercise o.'s wits
(постоянно) dwell (за on)
често МИСЛЯ за теб I often think of you, you are often in my thoughts
за какво мислиш? what are you thinking about? разг. a penny for your thoughts
кой мислиш? Петър! Peter, of all people! направих го, без да МИСЛЯ I did it without thinking/without giving it a second thought; I did it off hand/on the spur of the moment/as a matter of course
така си и мислех so
2. thought, I thought as much
престани да мислиш за работата си take your mind off your work
МИСЛЯ си think within o.s.
не МИСЛЯ за утрешния ден take no thought of the morrow
правилно мислиш you think correctly, your reasoning is correct
3. (обмислям) think over, consider, reflect
4. (напрягам се умствено) think, puzzle over/about, puzzle/cudgel/rack o.'s brains
дълго мислих върху задачата I puzzled over the problem for a long time
5. (смятам, считам, предполагам) think, consider, expect, suspect, count, believe, assume
всички го мислеха за луд everybody thought he was mad, everybody thought/considered him (to be) mad
мислехме, че е загубен we counted him as lost, we thought he was lost
МИСЛЯ ce зa consider/think o.s. to be
МИСЛЯ се за много нещо have a high opinion of o.s., think o.s. a great man, разг. think no small beer/potatoes of o.s.
6. (на мнение съм) think
какво мислиш по този въпрос? what do you think of it? what's your opinion of it/on this matter?
7. (възнамерявам) think (да of с ger.), have some thought, have thoughts (of с ger.), intend (to с inf.), have the intention (of с ger.)
8. (желая някому нещо) wish
МИСЛЯ някому доброто wish s.o. well
МИСЛЯ някому злото wish s.o. ill, mean mischief
9. (тревожа се за) worry about
майка ти много те мисли your mother is worrying a lot about you
не му мисли много take it easy
мисли му! да му мислиш! you'll get it! каква я мислехме, каква излезе this is not what we hoped/bargained for, it's the last thing we expected
да му мислят, които са лапали it's the profiteers who'll have to stand the racket

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